
@cherubmusica see them at bonnaroo

I received a text at 11:50 from Jason Huber of Cherub. They were an hour and half away from my house. They had left Seattle earlier that day and were completing an 11 hour drive. I put my phone on the charger and went to sleep.
I woke up to a phone call. They had just pulled up and were unloading their stuff. I welcomed them in my home and provided a blow up mattress to Jordan and the floor to Jason. I had met them the week before when they killed it at Kilby Court with K.Flay. After their show a group of us went to sushi at O’Shucks and became instant friends. Later that night I invited them to stay at my home on their way home from tour.
They were nothing but gracious for the thrown together sleeping situation and were happy to be getting some sleep. Before I went to bed they were sprawled out on the floor like wounded animals. The next morning we cooked up some bagels for breakfast and they were amazing enough to sit down and let me ask them some questions.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9
